Term Loan
The more traditional financing product that is similar to a bank loan. This is a loan that is for a set amount and that a borrower pays back at a fixed amount. If your business is in need of an expansion, need to upgrade, fix or purchase new equipment, or are in need of working capital this maybe a product that best serves your business needs.
SBA Loan
SBA stands for (U.S.) Small Business Administration and a SBA Loan is a government-backed loan that can be used for starting a or expanding a business. The loan has certain requirements for eligibility, such as size standards, providing the ability to repay and a solid business purpose. SBA loans are products that lenders use and these loans are with the lender itself, with an SBA guarantee, not with the SBA directly.
Equipment Financing
Businesses utilize equipment financing to purchase business-related equipment. From logistics, medical, restaurants, and so many other industries, obtaining these assets are considerably easy and can be done through equipment leasing or financing. By using this product businesses avoid paying large amounts of cash out-of-pocket for the equipment they need. Optimal working capital management is reached, as the day to day working capital is freed up to be used for other business purposes.
Accounts Receivable Financing
Accounts Receivable (AR) Financing is when a company will sell or finance off their outstanding invoices for working capital. It can either be in the form of selling the asset to the lender or using the accounts receivable (invoices) as collateral for the loan.
Other Products & Services
There are many other products and services available for your business' needs. You have questions, we have answers! Connect with a business advisor today by contacting us.
If you are ready to be funded within a week or within this month, and have your paperwork together, you can apply for a no obligation underwriting analysis by one of our partners today by filling out this form and setting a phone call appointment with a business advisor. Let's get you funded!